How to do what you can to T H R I V E in this stage of pregnancy.
1. Eat Right: Small frequent meals that are rich in nutrients and calming in their affect. Keep the salts to a minimum and stick to the sattvic foods, that help maintain internal equilibrium.
2. Breathe Right: Take your time each day to breathe deeply in your best possible posture allowing for the full range of inhalation and exhalation. Give yourself the gift of 15-20 minutes, preferably twice a day to quiet all the worries and focus on your breath. You will find this meditation deeply healing when practiced mindfully.
3. Exercise Right: Take the time to walk 20-30 minutes when possible. You may just appreciate doing your yoga practice, modifying appropriately, eliminating the postures that get you completely inverted like shoulder-stand, headstand, handstand.
4. Rest Right: Prioritize not only your times of relaxation but intentionally soften the muscles throughout the body while resting in supported comfortable positions. Sometimes, the more pillows the better.
5. Think Right: By living in the moment, appreciate the gifts that are unique to pregnancy. Without wishing it away too quickly, enjoy the blessing of carrying life and being full of miraculous energy moving about within. No matter the unique pitfalls and challenges that can surround pregnancy, view them as rites of passage, in preparation for the monumental task of mothering.
In conclusion, surround yourself with love and nurture the womb with an inner peace and sense of joy that will have life-long benefits for both you and your child.
& Congratulations to you both!
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